jueves, 31 de enero de 2013

Para el viernes y el fin de semana....

Para el viernes:   In-class charla!

 Review all your vocabulary related to the theme of immigration.  Review everything we've done in class to highlight the issues around immigration to the US and to Europe--characters, plot lines, themes....
Tomorrow you'll get a prompt,  more directions and time to prepare your thoughts, and then will have the rest of the class to work on a 2 minute charla. You will also have time to work on your heart maps detailed below.

Para el fin de semana:  Mapa de corazon

You have the outline of a heart with a symbol in the bottom right hand corner. The corona is for Paul, the toro is for the people of the town in Spain.  What is in the hearts of Paul and the people?  Make a heart map related to either Paul (corona) or los españoles (toro) with the following information based on what you know about immigration to Spain and the story "La tumba del rey Baltasar"--

  • What are the values for this person or group of people?  
  • What are their beliefs? 
  • Who are the people in their lives that matter to them? How important are they? 
  • What life events are important to them?  
Use space, color and size to show the relative importance of each idea, and the relationships between the ideas.  Use words and images, but make sure they are in Spanish.   Make sure you fill in all of the heart--there should be no white space!  Be creative! 

If you were absent, you'll get the heart outline when you come back to class.  If you are coming back tomorrow, you are expected to do the in-class charla--make sure you review vocabulary.