miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Origenes y partes de una corrida de toros--Stuff you need to do by next Monday

¡Los toros! 

Origenes de las corridas de toros
Artículo sobre la historia de las corridas de toros

¿En qué consiste una corrida de toros?
Artículo que explica las partes principales de una corrida de toros.

Notes in Spanish podcast Advanced #70, Los toros
Conversación entre Ben y Marina sobre los toros, una ley para proteger los animales y que opinan los españoles sobre los toros hoy en día.

Google Doc with comprehension questions for both articles and the Notes in Spanish Podcast.
Go here to print out the questions that go with the three resources above.

You need to answer them and make sure you understand the following-
where the traditions of bullfighting came from
what are the parts of a bullfight
who are the people involved in a bullfight
where does bullfighting stand today in Spain--this will come from Ben and Marina.  Listen to the podcast as many times as needed.

Print out the articles and questions and work on them in class Friday.
Don't forget your vocabulary list!

Also, watch the three VideoEle videos--"Conocer los toros" is in two parts and shows you parts of a bullfight.  There may be some gore and blood.  The third video, "Opinar sobre los toros",  talks about the two opposing sides of bullfighting.  All three will give you visual references to the articles and the podcast.