AP Spanish Homework

Wednesday, 9/11:  Read the rest of the chapter "Nos va a salir la cosa" and start your living vocab list in your notebook.   How is the narrator's experience similar to a student from BLS?  Write a short letter from Negi to her mother to convince her that you should be allowed to attend the School of the Performing Arts.  Use info from the text to support your argument.  Write it on paper you can hand in.

Thursday, 9/12:  Read the "Epilogo" about what happened to Negi after her audition.  Don't dictionary dive on the first read through!  Keep a vocab list.  Be ready to talk about the eonnections between Negi's experiences and a BLS student.

Friday, 9/13: Handout--"En esto creo" by Carlos Fuentes.  Do the preread A, B and C. On A, look up with the pairs of words mean--we'll do something else with them on Monday.  Do B and C and be ready to talk about them in class.  Read the ensayo and answer the comp questions on the half sheet of paper.  Add to your vocab list.

Monday, 9/16:  Go over the comp questions for the article you read over the weekend, and review it to make sure you understand it. We'll go over it in class tomorrow.
DUE ON FRIDAY:  Find your first article for "Mi Pais"--what is the average cost for students and parent to go back to school in your pais?  Look for "la vuelta al cole", "el regreso al cole", " el costo del regreso al cole".  Your article must come from an online newspaper--no blogs!  Use the links listed on your syllabus for international newspapers.  Write a 50-100 word summary of the article, and on Friday turn in a copy of the article and summary.

Oops.  Forgot to collect Mi Pais.  Bring it on Monday please!

Friday, 9/20--Read the piece "El lector del recuerdo.  A los golpes."  What is the connection between that and what you heard from the abuelas?  Also, write a reflection about the abuelas--what did you take away from their charla?  What questions do you have/what did you think/what did you feel?

Monday-Wednesday, 9/23-25:  Answer questions for the section of the movie you saw today.
Thursday, 9/26:  Bring in last week's "Mi Pais" article and summary. Read the two pages about Argentina and answer the questions.  You may need to review the preterite and imperfect endings and uses.
Friday, 9/26: Charla due midnight Sunday night!  Go to Charla page for info.

***APTL = Abriendo Paso Temas Lecturas textbook! (the blue one)

Monday, 9/30:  in APTL:  page 24, answer 1-3 using fotos.  Read p. 25 "Nota cultural".  Do A and B on page 25.  Do all in your notebook to use in class tomorrow.
Tuesday, 10/1:  pp. 26-28:  Historias de Espana Read the selection--don't forget to read the introduction and "al leer" to help narrow your focus.  Read the comprehension questions on page 28, read the passage once without a dictionary and see how well you can answer the questions.  Read a second time more closely and add details to your answers.
Wednesday:  in APTL:  pp. 29-30, Vocabulario D-G.  Review preterite/imperfect uses and endings.
Meet in 003 tomorrow!
Thursday's homework is on the main page along with directions about how to access your etext.
Friday, 10/4:  Guernica--Answer the questions (bullet points) on page 33 in your notebook.  On the main page of this blog, under the post "Guernica", you will find more information.  Make sure you check out the interactive site and read up on some of the history behind the painting.  Keep the chapter questions in mind as you do this.

Monday, 10/7:  Go back and do the homework you didn't do over the weekend about Picasso's "Guernica".  You should be able to give me some basic info about the what, how and why for the cuadro.
Read the poem "Guernica" by Blas de Otero.  Write out answers to questions 1-7.
Tuesday, 10/8:  Watch the video that goes with "Serenta por la tierra de uno" on this blog's main page.  Jot down images you see that represent the country being shown.  Bring the poem from today to class again so we can finish it.  Get ready for some Spain geography/history.

******APG = Abriendo Paso Gramatica textbook!  (the green one)
Wednesday, 10/9:  APG:  Etapa 2:  Los adjetivos--Read pages 77-83 and take notes on stuff that is new for you.  Do p. 78 cambios, and pages 80-82 A, B, C and D.  You do NOT have to copy anything out of the book--just write your answers in your notebook and any questions or problems you need clarified in class.  Get your book covered!
Thursday, 10/10:  APG:  Read pages 84-88 about demonstratives (adjectives and pronouns).  Do pp. 84-85, A and B.  pp. 87 A and B.  p. 88 C, D and E. Meet in language lab tomorrow!
Friday, 10/11:  APG:  Read pages 89-92 about possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns.  Do p. 90, A, B and C, and page 92 A.  Diaz prep book:  read page 11 and answer multiple choice questions.  It should take you about 40 minutes to read it to understand it!  The text and questions are available on line, but you cannot print out the page.  Que tengan buen fin de semana!

Tuesday, 10/15:  APG:  Section on Comparisons in Etapa 2--read the info about comparatives, superlatives.  Do exercises A, B, C, D and E.  Follow the examples in each exercise.
Also, look for information about what your "Mi Pais" would use to express its national identity--you'll need it for the weekend....
Wednesday, 10/16:  You'll do an in class essay on Thursday and Friday since I'll be out--I only expect you to work on it in class!  You'll get a sheet of instructions tomorrow, and you can use your APTL book and dictionary. Directions below in blue in case you lose the sheet or are absent....
Charla info is on the "charla" page--due midnight Sunday (going into Monday).  Use the info on the "Latinoamerica" lyrics sheet to help you think of images (religion, economics, nature, politics, literature, sports, family, food, language, geography...).
Test on Tuesday on Etapa 2 on adjectives--study and come in with questions on Monday.
See you next week!  Email me with any questions/issues!

Thursday, October 17 and Friday, October 18, 2013

In class essay
What you will need: 
·      Your Abriendo Paso Temas y Lectura textbook (they are under the desk in 132 in a milk crate)
·      Dictionary (there is also a glossary in the back of the textbook)

Go to page 32,  assignment E:  Comparacion cultural:  Las guerras civiles
 Write a thoughtful essay to address the topic.  Think about what you already know about the US Civil War, and what you’ve learned from the story of Pere Pi Cabanes and Picasso’s “Guernica”.  Your essay should have:

·      an introduction with a clear statement expressing your opinion about the topic
·      one or more paragraphs with examples to back up your opinion
·      a conclusion restating/reaffirming your opinion and the main idea

Also, use phrases from Appendix A on pages 442- 443 where possible.  You can use the text from Pere Pi Cabanes as well.

·      You have class time on Thursday and on Friday to plan, write and revise your essay.  Use the one of the organizers here to gather your thoughts and examples.  Both are for comparing and contrasting—use one.   

·      This is independent work—no group work, no pair work.  Just you and only you doing the writing….

·      Please make sure you put your name on your paper, and SKIP LINES as you write so I can give you feedback. 

·      Grammar heads up--Pay attention to how you use adjectives and the preterit / imperfect!  This will count as a test grade for Capitulo 3, so please check your work! 

Hand in your paper at the end of class on Friday.  Please include any notes or organizers you used. 

For the weekend: Don’t forget—prep your Charla  due on Sunday night at midnight comparing symbols used by your pais and the US with regard to how they both  express national identity.
Also, study Etapa 2 for test on adjectives on Tuesday. 

Monday, 10/21:  Study for test on Etapa 2.
Tuesday, 10/22:  Diaz prep book--Reading comp, pages 29 and 60.
Wednesday, 10/23:  APTL:  Review preguntas del capitulo on page 13.  On page 14, Read the Estrategia box, the bio of Jose Marti.  Write out answers in your notebook for A and B on page 14.  Also, before we read, do page pages 19-20 D, E, F and G--we'll go over these before you read the lectura on Friday.
One more thing--find out who is considered a heroe nacional in tu pais.  Bring info about that person to class on Friday.
Friday, 10/25:  Read the fragmento "Tres héroes¨, pages 15-18.  Read the whole thing.  Read the the section about your hero more closely so you can tell the rest of us about him on Monday.  (Absent folks--Alannah--focus on Boilvar. Sarah, focus on San Martin).  Take notes if you have to.  Remember you should also be keeping a vocab list of new and useful words.
Grades for the adjective test are on line--I'll give them back and go over them on Monday.
Que tengan buen fin de semana!  

Monday, 10/28:  Reread the fragmento "Tres Heroes" by Marti again, and read it more closely.  Make sure to read all the other boxes and stuff that go with the fragmento--it's meant to help you!
Tuesday, 10/29: Finish the comprehension questions after the fragmento that you started in class today.
Wednesday, 10/30:  Prep for page 22D essay tomorrow, bring info about heroe from tu pais.
Friday, 11/1:  Diaz prep book:  Do reading comp practice on page 50 and page 52.  Read the suggestions about how to do listening activities on pages 163, 164 and top of 165.  We'll start doing these next week.
No charla--I forgot to tell you about it in time!  Term 2 starts Monday....que tengan buen fin de semana!

Term 2!
Monday, 11/4:  Diaz prep book all week!  Do reading comp on page 95-96.  Go to successplus website to listen to Actividad 9 on page 173--you can access the Diaz book on the same site as the other textbook.  Check your answers as you listen---was it clearer the second time or not?
Tuesday, 11/5:  Read pages 189-191 in Dias prep about the interpersonal writing task for the test.  Pay attention to the phrases in bullet point 4.  Read over the email I gave you and make a chart to plan your response--What do you need to say?  How are you going to say it?  Do not write out a whole response--brainstorm what vocab you would need, what verb tenses would you be most likely to use, what expressions from bullet point 4 would you choose..... Bring Diaz prep book to class tomorrow!
If you were absent, here is the text of the email. 

De: Patriotas jóvenes
Asunto:  Su petición de adhesión

Estimado/a patriota: 

Le saludamos y le agradecemos su deseo se sumarse a nuestra institución patriótica.  Reclutamos a jóvenes como Ud. que tengan la valentía de expresar su amor por su patria.  Sin embargo, el ingreso a nuestras filas requiere una investigación cuidadosa de sus cualidades como patriota.  Describamos algunas actividades cívicas en las cuales ha participado recientemente.  Ademas, no interesaría saber si nos podría ayudar con su aporte en nuestro concurso de la bandera.  Hay tres importantes rangos en el desfile:  capitán de los patriotas pequeños, capitán de los vehículos blindados y capitán de los bateristas.  ¿En cual mostraría mejor sus capacidades y por qué?  
Reciba nuestros saludos. 
Esperamos sus comentarios.  
¡Viva la patria! ¡Vivan los jóvenes! 

Almirante Antonio Mareo
Patriotas Jóvenes 

Thursday, 11/7:  Read over the strategies for presentational speaking and interpersonal speaking in the Diaz book.
Charla due Monday night at midnight, Diaz book, Actividad #32 in the Presentational Speaking section.  Directions on the charla page as well here on the website.
Friday, 11/8:  Study for autoprueba on Tuesday.

Tuesday, 11/12:  APTL:  Use the image to write a response to the four questions about autoestima.
Wednesday, 11/13:  APTL: Write a response to page 59A and read the preguntas del capitulo.
Thursday, 11/14:  Pre-read info:  go to google.es or any newspaper site from Spain and find a recent article (within the last 1-2 years) about the issue of paro and los jovenes.  Read the article to understand it and take notes--what did you find out?  How would you describe the issue?  If you can print out the article, bring it to class.
Friday, 11/15:  Read "Jovenes parados hijos prodigos", pages 60-62.  Read it to understand it and keep track of new vocab.  Do ex. C, D, E, F and G in your notebook.  Keep thinking about the idea of la autoestima as you read.

Monday, 11/18:  Read the article from El Pais and write  a 50 word summary in Spanish.  How does it connect with the text you read in APTL?
Tuesday, 11/19:  Do p. 64 I and write a response in your notebook.  You will probably have to do some online research to answer the questions about paro juvenil en los EEUU.  Review subjunctive info.
Wednesday, 11/20:  Read the poem "Queda prohibido" to understand it.  You are going to write about it in class tomorrow for a quiz grade.  Link to the poem is here--
Keep reviewing subjunctive uses and forms. Check out the "Links" page for places online to practice.
Friday, 11/22: APG--Review uses of subjunctive.  Do ex. A, B, C and D on page 155.  Review how to form the present subjunctive.  Charla is due by midnight on Sunday.  Test Tuesday on vocab related to "Hijos prodigos", open ended questions about the reading, using the subjunctive with WEIRDO.

Monday, 11/25:  Study for test tomorrow--vocab, WEIRDO, questions about "Jovenes parados".  Turn in autoprueba sheet with 15 words you need to talk about autoestima....pdf file is on SIS on the second Autoprueba assignment, and you should be able to download it there.
Tuesday, 11/26:  Feliz Dia de Accion de Gracias!

Monday, 12/ 2: Read "Jacinto Contreras"....
Tuesday, 12/3:  Read "Jacinto Contreras", noting vocab and the 5Ws....
Wednesday, 12/4:  Do comp questions (order of events, general questions, multiple choice) for "Jacinto".  Be prepared to discuss the story in class.
Thursday, 12/5:  Go to this link:  Notes in Spanish Intermediate #12: Las Navidades  (notesinspanish.com) to listen to Ben and Marina talk about Las Navidades in Espana.  Fill in the sheet/questions as you listen.  Listen as many times as you need. Be ready to discuss it in class tomorrow.  If you were absent, the sheet with the questions for this is attached to the Jacinto reading check.
Friday, 12/6: Diaz prep book:  Reading comp, pages 83 and 85.  Give yourself no more than 20 minutes per selection.  Keep reviewing vocabulary in the back of the Diaz book!

Monday, 12/9:  Read the article about la felicidad and answer the comp questions.  Estas de acuerdo o no?
Tuesday, 12/10:  Prep the three discussion questions for class tomorrow.  Also, in the grammar book, review the uses of por and para on pages 321-323 (Paso 10).  Do all exercises and come in with questions.
Wednesday, 12/11: Forms of the imperfect subjunctive!  Read pages 240-243.  Do ex. A, B and C.  Translate C to English and pay attention to how the "if....then...." statements are put together.  Review por and para uses!
Thursday, 12/12:  see main page for info about "Tengo tu love"
Friday, 12/13:  APG:  pages 219-222.  Do all exercises.  Learn the endings for the imperfect subjunctive--you may have to review the preterite!  Also, do sheet on por vs. para, but make sure you work on it with your notes in front of you--why did you choose por or para?  Test next Wednesday on: Jacinto/story and vocab, por/para, WEIRDO with imperfect subjunctive.  Charla info is on the Charla page--call any time between now and Dec. 22!

Monday, 1/6/14:  APTL:  p. 208--use the tira comica to answer the questions.  Look over the chapter questions on page 208.  On p. 209, do the Estrategia box in your notebook.  Read the article about teen use of Facebook from CNN Mexico and write a 50 word summary.  Here's the link:  http://mexico.cnn.com/tecnologia/2013/10/31/facebook-admite-que-los-adolescentes-estan-perdiendo-interes-en-el-sitioBe prepared to discuss all three in class tomorrow!  The video from class today is on the main page if you want to watch it again.

Friday, 1/17/14:   New theme!! Las tradiciones y los valores sociales! APTL:  p. 125--use the photos to answer questions 1-4. Familiarize yourself with the preguntas del capitulo on page 125.  Write a response to question A on page 126 in your notebook.

Monday, 1/22:  IF THERE IS NO SNOW DAY TOMORROW:  Read the lectura "Vivir en Uruguay", p. 128-131.  Take notes as you read and use the "al leer" section on page 127 as your guide--can you identify each bullet point for each tradition described in the lectura?
IF THERE IS A SNOW DAY TOMORROW:  Sleep in late.  Do the above and read it more closely.  Answer the comp questions on page 131.  Don't forget your vocab list you should be making!
Thursday, 1/23--Go over the reading again!
Friday, 1/24--Vocab practice, APTL p. 131, ex. D, F and G.  Also, research and write up an answer to Activadad D on page 143--use the country you chose at the beginning of the year and find some information about a cultural product, similar to the article on Uruguay.  The list of countries is on the blog, probably in October or November if you don't remember.

Monday, 1/27: Create a Pinterest account!  Go to Pinterest.com and follow the directions to sign up.  Then, create your first board based on Friday's homework.  Pin 5 different typical foods, drinks or desserts that are used to celebrate different traditions in your pais. Give your board a name that will make it easy for you to remember the theme.
Study vocab and content from chapter 12 for test on Thursday or Friday....
Tuesday, 1/28  Prep for debate on page 134 tomorrow
Wednesday, 1/29  Go here to answer questions about today's debate.https://docs.google.com/a/bostonpublicschools.org/forms/d/1Su7RLaZcclsmZsbpi1gNaD4hByHxjvWxLpRFvJq3Y9s/viewform.  Link is also on main page.
Study for test tomorrow--vocab, Uruguay and traditions--there will be a vocab section like the other tests plus open ended questions about the reading and the concept of traditions.
Thursday, 1/30:  If you haven't done it already, answer the questions on the google doc.  Link is above or on main page.  Also, in the Diaz prep book, do Actividad 21 on page 47-49.  It has two fuentes and the questions go with both.  Charla question is posted as well on the Charla page.  Start thinking about toros!

Hmm.  All of February is missing. Cough.

New unit!  La belleza y la aestetica!
Monday, 3/3:  APL, page 230, 1-3.  Read over preguntas del capitulo.  Do A and B on page 231.
Tuesday, 3/4:  APL, page 232-234.  Read the fabula "La inmolacion por la belleza". Visualize as you read!! Do C, D, F and G.  Be prepared to discuss in class.  Also, start building your vocabulary list for this unit!

Monday, 3/17 Feliz Dia de San Patricio!
Tuesday, 3/18:  Finish questions 7, 8 and 9 from work today on poem by Luis de Gongora.
APL:  do 1, 2 and 3 on page 249.  Familiarize yourself with the preguntas del capitulo.  Make a list for yourself in your notebook of all the words you remember related to clothing/fashion.

Monday, March 30:  Read over the list of phrases on pages 285-286 in the Diaz book to prep for interpersonal speaking practice tomorrow.  Meet in the language lab.
Tuesday, April 1:  prep an autoprueba with new phrases from pages 285-286.  Turn it in on Friday, quiz next Monday.

Wednesday, April 9:  p. 345, ex. B
Review phrases for persuasive essay in back of Diaz book--essay in class on Tuesday R1!