MFL and Classical Public Declamation 2013

Information for students interested in Public Declamation on Friday, March 8!

What should I choose? 
Talk to your teacher for ideas.  Make sure your piece is written by a native speaker of the language and that it is intended for native speakers of that language.  No song lyrics or anonymous sources please!

Length of your piece
Levels 1, 2 and 3:  no more than 2 minutes
Levels 4, AP and native speakers:  no more than 3 minutes

You will be judged on the following criteria: 
Memorization of your piece
Overall interpretation of your piece
Clarity and fluency
Correct pronunciation and stress
Overall intonation, rhythm, expression and emotional impact
Proficiency in handling difficult language structures
Pose, posture, gestures and eye contact

Important dates: 
Sign up sheets with a copy of your piece must be turned in by Wednesday, February 6 to 042 (across from 035).  You can slip it under the door if the door is closed.

Tryouts will be Wednesday, Feb. 13 after school in the classrooms on the first floor on the hospital side of the building.

List of finalists will be posted here, outside room 135 and outside 042 on Friday, Feb. 15. 

If you are chosen to declaim on March 8th, you must attend one of the mandatory run-through practices on Monday March 4 or Tuesday March 5.  

See Mrs. Kelley in 042 with questions, or send an email to