¡¡¡¡¡¡Buena suerte!!!!!
Espero que todo vaya bien mañana, y voy a pasar todo el día pensando en Uds.
Stop by room 132 (Ms. Chouniard`s room) for desayuno y animo before you head to 014 and 016!! Munchies and juice around 7:30, but you have to bring your own coffee.
You need to be at the test site by 8:00 am.
Please make sure you have a BLUE or BLACK pen and a number 2 non-mechanical pencil.
Do not wear any of your clothing that is in Spanish.
No electronic anything.
No dictionaries.
Just bring your funky self.
Get a good night's sleep, listen to some music Spanish, watch a telenovela, relax a little....
Como les he dicho, todo saldrá bien.....
Hasta pronto!