Hopefully you picked up a copy of
Abriendo Paso Gramatica (2005 or 2007 ed.) before you left school so you could review stuff for the fall---below is a copy of the papers I handed out explaining each assignment. Please don't wait until the last day to do this since it is a lot of work!
¡Bienvendios a la clase de AP Lenguaje español! Welcome to the AP Spanish Language class!
So that you can hit the ground running from the first day of classes, there are some things you must do to review and practice. You need to practice all four skill areas--reading, writing, listening and speaking. All of the activities listed below have been designed with that in mind.
All assignments (except for speaking) are due ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.
These assignments are also posted here: www.kelspanishbls.blogspot.com.
Using the textbook Abriendo Paso-Gramáctica, please complete the following sections and do all exercises. We’ll go over them in class, and there will be a test after you have checked your work. This is all review material.....
Paso 1--nouns and articles
Paso 2--subject and prepositional pronouns
Paso 6--numbers
Unidad 3--the present tense
Literatura: You are expected to read the short story “La prodigiosa tarde de Baltazar” by Gabriel Garcial Marquez. Go to the following website to find the text. If the link does not work, type the title in Google.
Website with story: http://lrc.wfu.edu/spanish213/short_story_texts/baltazar.htm
Questions are at the end of this page--write out answers to them in Spanish.
Current events: You are expected to find 5 newspaper articles in Spanish.
Choose 5 different articles from various Spanish language newspapers.
Read each article.
Write a short summary (50+ words) for each article about what you read in Spanish.
Choose your articles from the following categories: sports, international, business/technology, culture/arts, health, editorial/opinion and one of your choice. Each article has to come from a different category--don’t do all 5 from just one.
Copy/print the article and staple your summary to the article. Keep a running list of new vocabulary and expressions and look them up in English.
Also, check out “El Planeta” and “La Semana”--free in newsboxes around the city.
You are expected to listen to 5 different things in Spanish--they can come from online, radio and tv. You need to write a short summary of what you heard in Spanish (50 words). Please include the date and source you used for each of the summaries. Here are some sources you can use:
INTERNET--there is soooooooo much out there! This is only a sampling....
Also, check out free podcasts available on iTunes
Check local cable for Univision, Galavision, Telemundo for telenovelas, news, movies
Switch languages on a movie and watch it dubbed in Spanish
El sitio http://wwitv.com/portal.htm ofrece enlaces a cientos de canales de tele que tienen "streaming video" sobre el Internet. Tambien hay enlaces a sus sitios.
www.tve.es Live and archived television from Spain.
perspective in a choice of seven languages, including Spanish
You will be expected to make a recording of 60 seconds minimum to 120 seconds maximum telling me what you did over the summer. When you come back to school, you will be given directions on how to do this within the first week.
Grammar packet completed
Questions/answers for the short story
5 article summaries with articles for each
5 listening summaries
new vocabulary lists
Email if you have any questions!
Questions for Baltazar: Use the text to answer each question in complete sentences in Spanish.
1.¿De qué clase social es Baltazar?
2.¿Qué es un "capuchino" en este contexto?
3.¿Qué había hecho desde niño?
4.¿Por qué a los vecinos les interesa tanto la jaula?
5.¿Qué pasaba a Baltazar mientras la construía?
6.¿Cuánto va a cobrar para la jaula?
7.¿Por qué la quiere el doctor Giraldo?
8.¿Para quién es la jaula?
9.Baltazar niega venderle la jaula. ¿Qué piensas de su actitud?
10.El doctor dice que el señor Montiel es rico. ¿Es verdad?
11.¿Cómo es la vida de los Montiel?
12.Describe cómo es el señor Montiel, no sólo la apariencia física, sino también su carácter.
13.¿Cómo es con su hijo?
14.Por qué se enoja?
15.¿Qué opina el pueblo en cuanto al señor Montiel?
16.¿Por qué miente Baltazar?
17.¿Por qué no vuelve a casa?
18.¿Qué le pasa al final del cuento?
¡Que tengas un verano maravilloso, y nos vemos en septiembre!
Ahhhhhh.....el verano.